--== P H E N O E L I T ==--
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A remote Cisco IOS exploit

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In contrast to what was said before on this topic, there are stack based overflows in Cisco IOS. One of them is the HTTP stack vulnerability (Cisco security notice here), which can be exploited stable using the UDP echo memory leak described here.
Grab the stuff from the download section.


Until a man is twenty-five, he still thinks, every so often, that under the right circumstances he could be the best hacker in the world. If I moved to a hacking monastery in Europe and studied real hard for ten years or so. If I reverse engineered every fucking piece of server software on the planet. If I stole the source code of every operating system available.
I used to feel that way, too, but then ran into certain people. In a way, this is liberating. I no longer have to worry about trying to be the best hacker in the world. The position is taken. The crowning touch, the one thing that really puts true worldclass besthackerdom totally out of reach, of course, is presented at Black Hat. But well, we show up there anyway.
Wording stolen from Neal Stephenson's "Snow Crash"


When trying to write exploits for IOS, you can be pretty sure that whatever you do, the whole system will crash at one time or another. Compared to classic daemon exploitation, this does not leave much room for playing around.
According to Cisco Systems own statement, most bugs in IOS are actually heap problems of one kind or another. Therefore, the following method should help the interested researcher to find ways of exploitation. We are not pretending that this will always work and there could be much more simple ways of doing it - but that's how it works for us.

The Basics

As normal, you need something that overwrites a buffer. There might be ways to deal with off-by-ones and other stuff, but buffer overflows are most common.
Your buffer is probably stored on the heap in IOS. The heap is organized in all kinds of fuzzy ways we don't really know about. The one thing that matters are the heap blocks. These are obviously organized in a doubly-linked list:
 |  BLOCK A     |
 |  BLOCK B     |
 |  BLOCK C     |
So, if you overflow a block (BLOCK B), you can write to BLOCK C. Now, BLOCK C can contain anything and exploitation would really depend on that. But, every block contains some management information, which is stored inline.
This is how the header looks like in detail:
 |<-  32 bit  ->|
 | MAGIC        |
 | PID          |
 | Somestuff    |
 | Somestuff    |
 | Somestuff    |
 | some ref     |
 |   DATA       |
 |              |
 |              |
 | RED ZONE     |
For the most part, the fields titled "Somestuff" are not checked by IOS, so the only thing you don't want to have in there is 0x00.
Some others are required to have certain values:
Since the PREV PTR is actually checked real closely, we can not do the normal pointer exchange game. But by placing the destination address in NEXT, we could overflow up to that point and write an uncontrolled value (PREV) at the address NEXT points to.

A free block in IOS has some more overhead. After the normal header, you find:

 |<-  32 bit  ->|
 | MAGIC2       |
 | Somestuff    |
 | PADDING      |
 | PADDING      |
 | FREE NEXT    |
 | FREE PREV    |
And here comes the good news: None of these two pointers are checked, when the block before this one is free()d. So, we can put two values in here - one for the destination and the other one being the desired 4-byte number and write arbitrary data to arbitrary memory addresses. But since this is a pointer exchange, the data in both fields has to contain valid memory addresses.

The rest is text book exploitation with some little hassles. We will bring you a tutorial shortly - so long, you can check the example exploit in the download section or check the presentations from Black Hat Briefings 2002 in Las Vegas and DefCon X.