Luigi Auriemma


  • about me:
    I'm 30 years old, I live close to Milan in Italy and I'm atheist.
    I like free informations and I try my best to release everything (interesting or not) I make or find each day because probably in all the world exists at least a person that is searching just what I have made.
    As everyone can understand watching the informations in this personal webpage, I like computers and software's bugs but only because they are the only thing I'm able to do better at the moment.
    Then I have a special passion for algorithms but this is not a secret, indeed this passion borns from the need of finding the truth and moreover sharing it, that's why I hate the security through obscurity techniques often (ab)used in software, moreover in games (proprietary protocols, formats and algorithms).
    I like the logic and the simplicity that moves everything, even the most complex thing can be easily explained. Usually we see only the final result while we ignore all the simple steps and levels that compose it. That's reassuring.
    Another important thing about me it's that I hate the mass, it's really horrible to see thousand or billions of people acting like clones, both physically and ideologically. It's really absurd and I don't accept it because there is no need of lobotomized people that do the same things usually for the same target (money) without logic and respect for the others (like most parts of this About section, I wrote this sentence many years ago but, although with less enthusiasm, I still agree with that).
    The last thing that I think is very important is "to create"... it's not important what is your field of interest but is important to create, be creative and share your creations (freely when possible, would be cool).
    That's all for the moment, I don't want to be too boring :)
    If you want to contact me don't worry I am never busy and I like to receive e-mails and talk about new possible research projects.
    If I don't answer to your mail within a couple of days probably it's not arrived or I have confused it for spam or it has been blocked by your mail server or for me is really impossible to reach the mailbox, so retry.

  • My policy: optimization of responsible disclosure 0.1
    From the 2008 this policy is no longer valid: contacting or not the vendor/developers is now at my discretion (for various reasons)
    The old policy I have adopted for all these years (5 or 6 years) is still available here

  • My "lab"
    An old photo of my 2 mq. "room/lab". (18 Feb 2005, I no longer live there)

  • about my research:
    I would say that for me the research is a passion but in reality it's most like an obsession.
    My research goes from the finding of security bugs to reverse engineering (often the same thing), and probably the only reason why I do all these things is simply because I'm able to do them and moreover to share my philosophy.
    Indeed I do everything open (open source and full disclosure) and for free at 360 degrees, that means not only that I don't have or want a job in the computer security (uhmmm that's probably the reason why I'm usually jobless eh eh eh) but also that I don't sell services, products or other bullshits (update 2010/2011: this is still true with the small difference that now sometimes I have the possibility to get something from the software vulnerabilities through the security companies in this field... better than nothing).
    When I release an advisory the only thing I want to show is my research, not an "advertisement" or something to raise "hype" or taking "press attention" like many (almost all) people and companies in the computer security do for obvious reasons (it's their job).
    I do it not only for philosophical reasons but also for a practical implication: I'm free of doing my research without limits and without secrets and moreover when and how I desire. This is the real meaning of the words "free" and "freedom" applied to computers.
    If developers appreciate my work they can credit my name in the changelogs of the patches or in the news of their websites, but I don't ask that to them, it should be a spontaneous form of respect and I'm happy when they do it because what I did was really helpful.
    Then another thing about security bugs, they are for me only a research indeed I do NOT use the bugs I find simply because there is no reason to do it. I admit that it's against nature but exploiting critical bugs doesn't give me emotions, I like only to find them and releasing the informations as soon as possible.
    And remember that I find bugs, I don't create them, the developers are the only people who create bugs (indirectly naturally) so they are ever the only responsible. Sometimes I'm able to create patches or work-arounds for software no longer supported but other times that's not possible or is out of my interest.
    Keep that in mind.
    Last note: I don't "dress a hat" (black, gray, white, etc) but I simply do my research on my computer and I'm happy that people use and learn from it
    As everything in the world is not possible to control the usage of what we create (like the producers of knives just to make an example comprehensible by anyone) so for me is only important that my research has been useful or interesting.

  • about licenses:
    My stuff uses the GPL where this is reported in the header of the source code (usually all my Research, Mytoolz, Password Recovery and Testing Toolz sections contain GPLed code) while the rest of software can be considered public code (for example my Proof-of-concept and Fake Players).
    If you have doubts about what GPL means you need only to know that the first rule is that any program which uses GPL code must be released under GPL.
    So, for example, you cannot use my code in your closed source program, you can use my code only if yours is GPL too (or in any case fully open source).
    For additional informations and examples watch the GPL FAQ and (for developers) take a look at this specific question.

  • about jobs or how to help me:

    To companies:
    • I could be interested in collaborations and particular projects, so send me an e-mail with the idea/proposal and I will evaluate and discuss it.
    • This website is a perfect example of what I do and how I do it so everything related to such stuff is ok.

    To private users and donors:
    • I do NOT need or want money so I don't accept donations and don't accept paid jobs, I never did it and I will never do it (hopefully).
    • The only ways to help me are reporting the small and big errors I do in my documents and my code and propose new research projects, updates and moreover suggestions... just send me a mail and I will reply immediately or as soon as I can.
    • If you like my stuff and you find it useful you can talk about it to your friends ("word of mouth") and moreover credit me and link my website.

  • about my motto:
    The things I do are NOT complex, I'm not smart or special so anyone can do the same things without having great skills.
    In reality a secret exists, if you create a "necessity" you are more motivated to do that special thing. I use this trick in all my research for forcing myself to learn a specific protocol and doing all the rest and it works enough well.

  • about my faults:
    Like any other human I have my regular faults, the first of them is just having a low level of attention that leads ever to distraction and stupid errors. But this fault is at the same time the best help I have for finding bugs since I already know what errors the other people can do.
    Other faults are my slowness and my lazyness, sometimes they are a problem for my current research or for starting new projects except when I'm particularly inspired... but judging the amount of stuff on this website probably I'm wrong :)

  • about how to use my tools:
    All my tools (except rare cases) work from the console (aka command-line tools).
    In Windows the console is also known as Windows console, command prompt, command-line or prompt of Ms-Dos (look for cmd.exe or
    Here is located a quick video about launching a couple of my tools.
    So if you use this operating system and when you double-click on one of my executables it shows a window and then closes immediately it's all normal, launch it from the console and pass the required arguments.
    All my tools show a quick help at runtime specifiying the required <> and optional [] arguments.
    A quick and ugly step-by-step for dummies is the following:
    - copy the executable you want to use in c:
    - go in Start->Run and type: cmd (or command if you use Windows 9x/Me)
    - in the black window type: cd \
    - now type the name of the executable so you will see all the available options
    - when you have decided the arguments to use type them after the executable name
    - for example if you use the tool gsinfo you need to specify the host and the port like: gsinfo 1234
    - other examples:
    · wtcced d "c:\documents and settings\myname\desktop\my input file.gmt" "my output file.gmt"
    · ventrilofp -n "this is my nick" -p mypassword
    · gslist -n bfield1942 -f "(numplayers > 10)"
    · calcc "(((1+2)*(1^4))*10)/(9-1)"
    · echo aGVsbG8K | bde64 d - -
    · sleepy 2s argz.exe "\"this is arg1\"" arg2 arg3
    So you need to use " for specifying spaces in filenames because the console considers each space a new argument, and if you need to specify just a " it's enough to place a backslash before it as in the above examples
    Then if you want to stop the program in any moment keep the keys CONTROL and C pressed at the same time
    Anyway Internet is full of tutorials for using the console and my tools are for people that use the command-line everyday so use a search engine for any doubt
    Another alternative is trying the following experimental tool which lets you to use almost all my tools with a graphical and easy-to-use interface: THEGUI

  • about password recovery and drag'n'drop:
    Almost all my password recovery tools which decode the passwords stored in a file allow the usage of drag'n'drop.
    When you launch the tool it shows some informations and the name or the extension of the file you need to use which is usually located in the folder of the program from which you want to recover the password or in your home/%APPDATA% folder.
    When you have located the file you need only to keep the mouse button pressed on it and move it over the executable of my password recovery tool.
    It will automatically show the stored password or passwords.
    Anyway remember that my tools are ever made to work from command-line (read the above section) so this drag'n'drop feature is "only" something more confortable.

  • about CTRL-F:
    The chaos rules on my website so the best way to find what you need is through the Find function (CTRL-F) of your browser.
    Luckily now there is also a great SEARCH function integrated in the left menu of the website so finding specific stuff is really a joke.

  • about compiling my source code:
    I use ever and only Gcc and its Win32 port Mingw to compile my C stuff.
    If you use other compilers you could receive some small errors, some of them can be solved replacing the sleep() calls with Sleep(), or passing -DWIN32 to the compiler, or specifying the needed library to link (like ..\lib\ws2_32.lib) and so on.
    The following are some basic and quick examples of how to compile my code (moreover network code) on Windows through some freeware or open source compilers:
    Mingw gcc -o file.exe file.c -lws2_32
    Lcc-win32 lcc file.c
    lcclnk file.obj
    Visual C++ cl file.c -DWIN32 c:\vc\lib\ws2_32.lib
    Borland C++ bcc32 -Iinclude -Llib -DWIN32 file.c
    Digital Mars bin\dmc -Ju file.c lib\wsock32.lib file.c
    Watcom wcl386 -i=..\h;..\h\nt -dWIN32 -l..\lib386;..\lib386\nt file.c
    Pelles C pocc /J /DWIN32 /Ze /I..\include /I..\include\win file.c
    polink /LIBPATH:..\lib /LIBPATH:..\lib\win ws2_32.lib file.obj
    If your compiler doesn't find stristr() try to use stristr.c
    Most of my programs use stdint.h, check that link if you use MSVC since there is file you must download or just go directly to the msinttypes project
    Anyway contact me if you have suggestions to create a more portable code!

  • about multiplatform code:
    almost all my code is written with compatibility and multi platform support in mind, so except some cases (Windows specific stuff) all my code can be compiled on linux, bsd, mac and other systems supporting the Gcc compiler.
    depending by the project my code is even endian compatible, which means that code can parse/handle specific binary protocols or formats on both intel/little endian and network/big endian architectures (like PowerPC).
    the "main" compilation command is ever: gcc -o file file.c
    if in the package there are other .c files you must add them too or just use: gcc -o file *.c
    if you receive an error about inflate, deflate, compress or uncompress add -lz
    if you receive an error about pthread add -lpthread
    if you receive an error about aes, des, ssl or similar add -lssl -lcrypto
    if you receive an error about dlsym add -ldl

  • about my header files:
    If you are a C programmer you have probably noticed my fault of putting the functions I write into files with .H extension (aka header files). I do it to quickly compile my programs in a single compilation pass.
    If you want to use them "normally" you can change the extension in .C and copy the functions prototypes in a file .H that you must include into your program source... but if you are a C programmer you already know that.

  • about my forum:
    From the beginning of the 2008 I have opened a forum on which I give support for all my stuff and I get new ideas/projects/feedback/tools/patches and so on.

  • about antivirus:
    Unfortunately the AV companies need to make their databases bigger for selling their useless products and they are not interested to what they index or if it's open source software so some of my stuff could be tagged as hacktool, exploit or just aluigi (wow an entire category all for me! ih ih ih).
    Some antiviruses like Kaspersky are so stupid to even deny access to everything containing the word "adv" in the URL, read about it here. There is just an entire thread on my forum about all the ridiculous things made by various AV and it's very funny to read and add new stories there.
    Anyway I remember to anyone that ALL my stuff on my website (main and mirrors listed in the left menu) is open source and so anyone can analyze and recompile it, while each package is periodically hash checked and in some rare cases recompiled from scratch too.

  • about real "free" stuff:
    this website and its content are completely free in any meaning you give to this word:
    - free source code: it's all open source and anyone can compile, watch and modify it
    - free informations: everything is proved and explained in detail and ever with a practical example
    - free as gratis: everything it's here for being shared
    - advertising free: as already said I don't need to gain money from my passion and I HATE advertisements of any form
    - javascript free: I hate javascript, any browser can surf on this website without problems
    - images free: except the 3 images below there are no other images loaded in the webpages
    - server-side scripts free: everything is in pure old-style static hand-written HTML, the only PHP scripts are the Search and the RSS
    - something else that I don't remember at the moment... but it's free too :)

  • about this website:
    This website is nothing more than an archive containing everything I do everyday and moreover a personal website.
    All the stuff on this space has been created by me and everything is completely "free" (as freedom) and open source.
    Then remember that I consider all my stuff ever experimental (that's the reason of the 0.X versions) and that naturally exist also old documents and code that I wrote many time ago and so are not well written or are a bit bugged or are just obsolete.

    Huge thanx to both Eliott Ness and Altervista for the generous web space since the 2003!

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